DPML Transit XML Specification
Transit Configuration

The Transit configuration is maintained in a XML file under the the path local:xml:dpml/transit/standard (which translates to the absolute path ${dpml.prefs}/dpml/transit/xmls/standard.xml. This file is used to maintain the current Transit configuration and includes information about the loaction and layout strategy of the cache and local repository, available remote hosts, and optional proxy settings.

The following information summarises the formal structures declared under Transit 2.0 DTD (refer DTD files published under the DPML DTD repository).

cache required An absolutute path referencing a local directory. The attribute value may include any system property including references to Transit properties such as ${dpml.data}. The default value is ${dpml.data}/cache.
layout required The layout strategy id to be used for the cache data. The default value is "classic".
Nested Elements
local The local file based repository included as a part of the DPML installation.
proxy The proxy setting configuration.
hosts A collection of remote host definitions.

The following example shows the default transit configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  "-//DPML//DTD Transit Configuration Version 2.0//EN" 
  "http://download.dpml.net/dtds/transit_2_0.dtd" >

<transit cache="${dpml.data}/cache" layout="classic">

  <local path="file:${dpml.share}/local" layout="modern"/>
    <host id="dpml" priority="20" url="http://repository.dpml.net/modern" layout="modern"/>
    <host id="maven" priority="40" url="http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2" layout="modern"/>
    <host id="classic" priority="60" url="http://repository.dpml.net/classic" layout="classic"/>
    <host id="ibiblio" priority="80" url="http://www.ibiblio.org/maven" layout="classic"/>
    <host id="apache" priority="100" 
      url="http://www.apache.org/dist/java-repository" layout="classic"/>