DPML Depot Prepare Task
Prepare Task

The prepare task converts source input typically under directories such as ${basedir}/src and ${basedir}/etc into a target build structure. The target build structure is ALWAYS the same, enabling other projects to access build artifacts is a completely consistent manner without having to parse any local properties. This has a direct impact on the simplification of tasks and plugins that work on content in the ${basedir}/target directory content.

[x:prepare] Created dir: C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target
[x:prepare] Created dir: C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\build\main
[x:prepare] Copying 13 files to C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\build\main
[x:prepare] Created dir: C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\build\test
[x:prepare] Copying 6 files to C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\build\test
[x:prepare] Created dir: C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\test
[x:prepare] Copying 1 file to C:\dev\dpml\main\metro\state\impl\target\test

Directory structure inputs.

    /${project.src.main} -- the main java sources copied to target/build/main
    /${project.src.test} -- unit test sources copied to target/build/test
    /${project.src.docs} -- documentation sources copied to target/build/docs
    /main                -- resource to be copied to target/build/main
    /test                -- resource to be copied to target/build/test
    /docs                -- resource to be copied to target/build/docs
    /data                -- resource to be copied to target/test
    /**                  -- copied to target/**

Fixed output directory structure.

  /target                -- created by prepare
    /build               -- filtered content from ${project.src}
      /main              -- filter content 
      /test              -- filter sources with etc/test
      /conf              -- filtered configuration data
      /etc               -- filtered content from ${project.etc}
    /deliverables        -- output artifacts initially populated with
                            the content from /target/etc/deliverables
                            if present
    /test                -- working test directory initially populated 
                            with the content from ${project.etc}/data

The following properties may be used to customize the input paths for source content.

${project.src.main} The path relative to the project basedir containing the java source hierachy. Default value is "src/main".
${project.src.test} The path relative to the project basedir containing the java test source hierachy. Default value is "src/test".
${project.src.docs} The path relative to the project basedir containing the documentation source hierachy. Default value is "src/docs".
${project.etc.main} The path relative to the project basedir containing the supplimentary resources. Default value is "etc/main".
${project.src.test} The path relative to the project basedir containing the supplimentary test resources. Default value is "etc/test".
${project.src.data} The path relative to the project basedir containing the test data. Default value is "etc/data".