DPML Depot Module Declarations

A module can be viewed as a collection of resources and projects that share a common group name. In effect a module establishes a unique namespace for the resources contained within it. A module can contain its own type declarations together with nested resource, project and subsidiary module delcarations.

Functionally a module can be view as a resource or project in that a module can declare a basedir and produced types. The enables a module to be used as a source for the production of module related information (such as a module descriptor or module documentation).

XML Attributes
name The module name (required). A module path is made up of the sequence of modules names of any parent modules and the immediate module name.
version The module version (mornally not declared).
basedir Optional base directory of the module.
XML Nested elements
info 0..1 Declaration of supplimentary human readable info about the module.
properties 0..1 Declaration of a set of properties associated with the project. Typically property declarations will be used by a build system to qualify resource production behaviour.
types 0..1 The declaration of a <types> element within a module associates one or more an artifact types within the module's fully qualified name. For example, it is possible to create an portable defintion of top-level modules using a specialized ant tasks. The ant task produced an artifact of the type 'module'. By declaring the type 'module' as a type produced by the module a build system can automate the production of the module artifact.
dependencies 0..3 A project may declare BUILD, RUNTIME and TEST scoped dependencies. Unless otherwise specified the default scope of a dependencies element is RUNTIME. Dependencies declared under BUILD scope do effect project build sequencing but do not contribute to classpath related information. RUNTIME dependencies are used in the construction of classpath data. TEST scoped dependencies extend runtime dependencies with supplimentary resources used during unit testing.
filters 0..1 Declaration of a set of content filters associated with the module. Typically filters are used to substitute string tokens in source code with values resolved from the associated module (or other project/resources).
resource 0..n One or more nested resource declarations.
project 0..n One or more nested project declarations.
module 0..n One or more nested module declarations.
import 0..n One or more import requested for the inclusion of a local module, project or resource from an external file.
Embedded Module Declaration

The following example demonstrates the declaration of a single module directly within an nindex.xml file. The module declares the name 'demo' and base directory corresponding to the same directory that the index is located within. The module contains a single project named 'example'.

<index xmlns="dpml:library">

    <property name="project.builder.uri" value="link:plugin:dpml/tools/dpml-depot-builder"/>
    <property name="project.standard.template" value="local:template:dpml/tools/standard"/>
    <property name="project.template" value="${project.standard.template}"/>

    <module name="demo" basedir=".">
      <project name="example" basedir="example">
          <type id="jar"/>
            <include urn="artifact:jar:commons-collections/commons-collections#3.0"/>


Imported Module Declaration

The following example demonstrates the inclusion of a series of external files as the definition of a set of modules. The example declares a root module named 'dpml'. A set of import elements delcarations reference nested module definitions modules for the 'transit', 'metro', 'depot', and 'util' packages.

<module name="dpml" basedir=".">

    <property name="project.publisher.name" value="Digital Product Management Library"/>
    <property name="project.specification.vendor" value="${project.publisher.name}"/>
    <property name="project.implementation.vendor" value="${project.publisher.name}"/>
    <property name="project.implementation.vendor-id" value="net.dpml"/>
    <property name="project.publisher.url" value="http://www.dpml.net"/>
    <property name="project.resource.host" value="http://repository.dpml.net"/>
    <property name="project.api.host" value="http://api.dpml.net"/>
    <property name="project.svn.host" value="svn://svn.berlios.de/dpml/trunk/main"/>
    <property name="project.javadoc.linksource" value="true"/>
    <type id="module" alias="true"/>

    <filter token="PROJECT-VERSION" value="${project.version}"/> 
    <filter token="PUBLISHER-NAME" value="${project.publisher.name}"/> 
    <filter token="PUBLISHER-URL" value="${project.publisher.url}"/> 

  <import file="lang/module.xml"/>
  <import file="transit/module.xml"/>
  <import file="util/module.xml"/>
  <import file="depot/module.xml"/>
  <import file="metro/module.xml"/>
  <import file="station/module.xml"/>
  <import file="planet/module.xml"/>

  <project name="central" basedir="central"/>


The following XML is an example of an imported module.xml file. The example used below is the DPML Depot Module.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<module name="depot"

  <resource name="dpml-library" basedir="library">
      <type id="jar"/>
        <include ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-main"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-junit"/>

  <project name="dpml-depot-build" basedir="build">
      <type id="jar"/>
      <part:plugin alias="true" class="dpml.build.Main"/>
        <include ref="dpml/depot/dpml-library"/>
        <include ref="dpml/util/dpml-util-cli"/>
        <include ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-main"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-junit"/>
      <feature token="ANT-BUILDER-URI" ref="dpml/depot/dpml-depot-builder" id="uri" type="part"/>
  <project name="dpml-depot-console" basedir="core">
      <property name="project.test.fork" value="true"/>
      <property name="depot.short.filename" value="${project.name}.jar"/>
      <property name="transit.short.filename" value="dpml-transit-main.jar"/>
      <property name="project.jar.main.class" value="dpml.depot.Main"/>
      <type id="jar"/>
        <include ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-main"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-junit"/>
      <filter token="DEPOT-PATH" value="${depot.short.filename}"/>
      <filter token="DEPOT-MAIN-CLASS" value="${project.jar.main.class}"/>
      <filter token="TRANSIT-PATH" value="${transit.short.filename}"/>
      <filter token="DEPOT-CLASSLOADER-CLASS" value="net.dpml.util.SystemClassLoader"/>
      <feature token="BUILD-ID" id="version"/>
      <feature token="DEPOT-CONSOLE-URI" id="uri" type="jar"/>
      <feature token="TRANSIT-CORE-URI" id="uri" type="jar" ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-main" />
      <feature token="TRANSIT-CONSOLE-URI" id="uri" type="part" alias="true" ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-console" />
      <feature token="DEPOT-BUILDER-URI" id="uri" type="part" alias="true" ref="dpml/depot/dpml-depot-build" />
      <feature token="DEPOT-EXEC-URI" id="uri" type="part" alias="true" ref="dpml/station/dpml-station-exec" />
      <feature token="DEPOT-STATION-URI" id="uri" type="part" alias="true" ref="dpml/station/dpml-station-console" />
      <feature token="DEPOT-STATION-SERVER-URI" id="uri" type="part" alias="true" ref="dpml/station/dpml-station-server" />

  <resource name="dpml-depot-builder" basedir="tools/builder">
      <type id="jar"/>
      <part:plugin alias="true" class="dpml.tools.impl.StandardBuilder"/>
        <include ref="dpml/depot/dpml-library"/>
        <include ref="dpml/transit/dpml-transit-tools"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-junit" tag="system"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant" tag="system"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-xslp" tag="system"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-trax" tag="system"/>

  <project name="dpml-depot-checkstyle" basedir="tools/checkstyle">
      <type id="jar"/>
      <part:resource alias="true" urn="dpml:checkstyle" path="dpml/tools/checkstyle/antlib.xml"/>
        <include ref="dpml/depot/dpml-depot-builder"/>
        <include urn="artifact:jar:checkstyle/checkstyle#4.1">
          <property name="project.api.host" value="http://api.dpml.net"/>
          <property name="project.api.root" value="${project.api.host}/${project.group}/${project.version}"/>
        <include urn="artifact:jar:commons-logging/commons-logging#1.0.4" />
        <include urn="artifact:jar:commons-collections/commons-collections#3.1" />
        <include urn="artifact:jar:commons-beanutils/commons-beanutils-core#1.7.0" />
        <include urn="artifact:jar:bcel/bcel#5.1" />
        <include urn="artifact:jar:antlr/antlr#2.7.2" />

  <project name="dpml-depot-convert" basedir="tools/convert">
      <type id="jar"/>
      <part:resource alias="true" urn="dpml:convert" path="dpml/tools/convert/antlib.xml"/>
        <include urn="artifact:jar:java2html/java2html#4.2"/>
        <include ref="ant/ant-launcher"/>
