DPML Metro Type Task
Type Task

The types task automates the creation of component type meta-info. Information captured during type creation includes the component implementation class name, logging channel assumptions, the services provided by the type, context assumptions, and internal parts.

name Set the type name - used internally in error reports.
class Set the component implementation class.
lifestyle Set the component lifestyle. Allowable values include SINGLETON, THREAD, and TRANSIENT. A component declaring the SINGLETON will be shared across all consumers within the JVM (i.e. the potential for concurrent access will exist). A component declaring the THREAD lifestyle policy will have a set of instances corresponding to the number of threads requesting access. A component declaring the TRANSIENT lifestyle will instantiated for each request. The default lifestyle policy is TRANSIENT (reflecting the most conservative scenario).
collection Sets the component garbage collection policy. Allowable values include WEAK, SOFT and HARD. A component declaring a WEAK collection policy will be garbage collected at the discretion of the JVM. A component declaring a SOFT collection policy will be garbage collected in the event of memory contention. A component declaring the HARD collection policy will remain in memory for the lifetime of the JVM unless explicitly removed via a management system or controlling application.
threadsafe Declares the component implementation as threadsafe.
Nested Elements
state Definition of a component state graph.
parts Definition of the internal parts (nested components) within this component type. The parts element allows for the structural composition of components as part-of an enclosing component type. Enclosed components can be viewed as a private internal implementation strategy of the type.
Type Example

Example using the <type> task to generate a series of .type descriptors:

<type xmlns="dpml:metro" class="net.dpml.test.composite.ChildComponent" name="child"/>
<type xmlns="dpml:metro" class="net.dpml.test.composite.CompositeComponent" name="parent">
    <component type="net.dpml.test.composite.ChildComponent" name="child" activation="false">
        <entry key="color" method="BLUE"/>
Optimization using the Types task

The above usage of the <type> task can be optimised through the usage of the <types>. The <types> tasks reduces the overhead during construction of runtime classloader information. When generating types using the <types> task the classloader construction is only executed once. The following example is an optimized equivalent of the above.

<types xmlns="dpml:metro">
  <type class="net.dpml.test.composite.ChildComponent" name="child"/>
  <type class="net.dpml.test.composite.CompositeComponent" name="parent">
      <component type="net.dpml.test.composite.ChildComponent" name="child" activation="false">
          <entry key="color" method="BLUE"/>
Technical Notes
Issues and Limitations

The implementation does not currently provide support for the overriding of published services or the delcaration of logging channel usage assumptions within the component implementation.


Component type meta-info is stored in an XML file collocated with the class. The naming convention is the full-qualified classname appended with the suffix .type. The file format is the XML encoding specificed by JSR-57.